XIncProc XPointer Processor > Element Scheme >

Bad Element Scheme expression

What's up when element expression is not well formed ?

If either the NCName or the child sequence does not locate an element, no element is identified by the pointer part as a whole.


Given a simple xml :

                <book id="book1">
                    <author id="auth1">Gambardella, Matthew</author>
                    <title>XML Developer's Guide</title>
                    <genre id="bk101">Computer</genre>
                    <description>An in-depth look at creating applications
                        with XML.</description>

Expressions matching nodes:

Pointer content Result ErrorHandler
element(///)   Error: bad element scheme data '///' Unknown pointer expression
The element() scheme does not use the namespace binding context because it does not support qualified names.


Given the same xml document than previous example.

Pointer content Result ErrorHandler
element(no:book1)   Error: bad element scheme data 'no:book1' Unknown pointer expression